Therianthropy Wiki is your go-to source for all things therianthropy, from quadrobics and vocals to the history of therianthropy and more! We are dedicated to educating alterhumans and humans all over the world on our unique ways featured in 208 articles we are currently editing- that you can help with! Please make sure to view our wiki policies before inital contribution. Thank you!
Welcome to Therianthropy Wiki, a Therianthropy specific site which aims to keep information about the identity phenomenon and the Therian community accurate and relevant.
This Wikia no longer contains information about Otherkin, Vampires, or the Furry Fandom. Please see links below.
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-Wolf Daughter
As of around December 15, 2022, the Therianthropy Wiki is under new management. If you have any questions or concerns, please leave a message with Kattcrazy or ObjectRequired. Thank you.
As of December 24, 2016, the Therianthropy Wiki is under new management. If you have any questions or concerns, please leave a message with Wolf Daughter or BaxWolf. Thank you.