

My name is Scorchy, and I am a Quadrobist. I am hear to describe what that means, and how it is diffrent from Therianthropy,

TW: Dreadful spelling


A Qaudrobist, or Semi-Therian, is someone who acts like a therian, but does not want to be called a therian, or doesn't have a spirtual connection to there animal. (Eg: Someone who does Coyote QUads, but does not have a spirtual connection)

Semi-Therians/Quadrobist know they are not therians, nor do they say they are.

I use to describe myself as:

"I hate Antikins and defend therians like my packmates. I know I am not a animal, nor connected like a therian. I am simply just a weirdo"


I hope this gives a good summary of what a Qaudrobists are. If anyone would like to add information, i would be so glad. Farwell, and remember you are all valid
